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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Blogging news

Today was a big day for me and the blog.

First, I finally figured out how to change my blogger from Chinese to English. Now I have at least a little clue what I am doing here.

Secondly, since I have been in China, I have been able to post to my blog and to see that my posts were successful, but I have not been able to actually view my blog. Apparently, the Great Firewall of China is against me. Today I found a proxy server that will let me see my blog! But so far I can't figure out how to see comments people post to my blog. This was a long way of saying, I don't know what people are writing but don't take offense if you post something meriting a response and it takes me a while to get back to you. It's probably because I haven't figured out how to see what you wrote.

Finally, I want to define a little more clearly how I am thinking about this blog and this summer.

Even though I will get to travel a good bit this summer, I think my adventures will be fairly business-focused, and as such, the blog may be even more boring than you might expect from me. Last summer - La Gran Aventura - was definitely just about having fun and exploring personal interests, like learning Spanish and drinking Pisco Sours. This summer, I have two jobs and a definite focus on better understanding business in India and China. For example, I took a detour on Saturday to visit a mall and a Wal-mart Supercenter (well, an attempted detour actually as I got lost and gave up on the Wal-mart, but you get the point). Business dorks may find these posts more interesting but others may not. Just setting expectations.

Finally, three pictures. The first two are of the Great Wall - one showing me extremely hot, and the other of the first-class cable car system. The last one has some advice for us all.

1 comment:

Stephina Suzzane said...

What if you were on the top of the peak in the background and photographing there, then it really would have been more pleasant. The view here too are much cool and pleasant. Flights to Auckland